
Friday, 22 November 2013

New to Crochet

 I have been doing a bit of knitting lately now the cold dark nights are upon us.
I have been able to knit for a long time  ....since I learnt in infant school really.
The bug has been on and off with me over the years....I did most of it when my kiddies were little.
I have always wanted to learn to crochet though....had one or two attempts over the years but given up lol
I just couldn't  hold it right for one thing as well as keeping track of the stitches.
Well thank goodness for Youtube!
I have been watching crochet tutorials for about three weeks now (mostly during the night in my insomniac moments) and having a bit of a practice on an evening along side the knitting
.....and this week I made my first crochet beanie for my little grandaughter Mia.
I really enjoyed it as crochet grows faster than knitting....not quite sure I am holding the yarn right though but I get by lol
Still need lots of practice  but I am really pleased with my acheivment so far :)


Anonymous said...

Well done you, this is gorgeous. I would love to learn to crochet so you have inspired me to go take a look. Love Alison

The Craft Bucket said...

Gorgeous Janet, love the colours too. I find crochet much easier than knitting and yes the results are quicker. Taught myself crochet, can only do squares on the knitting front! Jane x

tilly said...

this is beautiful, she will love it

dutchess said...

well done this is lovely....just started again myself and loving it ...hats are my favorite at the moment ....keep at it it doesn't matter how you hold your harm so long as it's comfy for you! xxxxx

Christine said...

Wow Janet how cute is this..I can just see your Mia enjoy wearing this stunning hat well done you..

smiles Christine x

susiestacey said...

Gorgeous hat Janet, well done looks like you have perfected it. Something l have never managed to do but as you say You Tube is fantastic for learning new skills x Susan x

Sandra H said...

So beautiful is this Janet x

Nannieflash said...

Hi Janet, your granddaughter is going to love the result love your colour choice to. hugs Shirleyxxxx