
Monday, 28 April 2014

Baby Boy

Wow I didn't realize I hadn't been on my blog for so long!
I tend to post mostly on the Pink Gem Designs Face Book page these days as I like the social interaction :)

Any way just thought I would show some of the printable topper/card fronts I have been designing
These are great when you need a card quickly and of course you can add more embellies if you wish lol

The kit prints out a topper that will fit an "8 x 8" card blank and as you can see the display picture on the website doesn't do justice to the actual print as the colours are beautiful!
You can resize it in a graphics programme to make it smaller

You can fin the kit and some others here in our new products for April


Anonymous said...

Janet beautiful card love the teddy he is so cute and those papers are gorgeous too. Love Alison xx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Very cute

Sandra H said...

This is so beautiful x

Debs said...

So cute!
Debs xx

Claire said...

Jut adorable Janet - these are so versatile and such lovely colours. Hugs, Claire x

Donna Mosley said...

Gorgeous card Janet, I LOVE the adorable new kits.

Donna x

cotnob said...

This is an adorable card Janet, I love the new printable toppers.