
Saturday 27 February 2010

Win 6 Pink Gem Stamps!

To celebrate my birthday this month and the launch of our new challenge blog 'A Gem of a Challenge' (which starts on  8th Feb) I am giving away 6 Pink Gem Designs stamps in a prize draw!
Here are the prize draw conditions:-
 Post the picture above on your blog
Mention a bit about the PGD candy and our new challenge blog  and post a LINK back to this blog
Enter you name and address of your blog in Mister Linky below
A comment from you would be lovely but is not neccessary
A winner will be drawn at random on my birthday Sat 27th Feb after 1pm. 
They will then be able to choose 6 Pink Gem stamps of their choice (subject to availability)
You must follow the conditions above to qualify for an entry into the draw
Good Luck!


Sarah said...

Wow, 6 stamps, thank you Janet and happy birthday!!!

NicolaR said...

Thank you so much have added you to my blog. Hope you have a great birthday. Love and hugs xoxo

Marie x said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win your fantastic stamps.... and Happy Birthday for the 27th.
Marie x

Lisa Jane said...

Thank you for the opportunity - Happy Birthday for the 27th and can't wait for the first challenge
Lisa ;

Daniele said...

Have already posted about your new challenge good luck with it and will def. be joining in as I am a Pink Gem fan
Hugs from Daniele

Lydz said...

What a fab candy! I have been using your new stamps that arrived the other day and i love them - made a valentines card with your gorgeous owl stamp its my favourite stamp so far:

Good luck everyone,
Lydia x x

Sinikka said...

Wow, I hope for some all the other ladies:-)
Thanks for the oppertunity to win 6 stamps. It will be difficult to choose, incase that I should win.

Aunty Sue said...

Hi hope you have a brill birthday and i am sure the new challenge blog will be a hit. Love the name

Shelley said...

Gorgeous stamps, thanks for the chance to win them. I hope you have something nice planned for you on your Birthday! x

Lizzy said...

Hi Janet, Thanks for the chance to win some fabby candy ~ have a great birthday hun ~ am really looking forward to your challenge blog on the 8th Feb xx lizzy xx

Crafty Han said...

Happy Birthday for the 27th Janet! I absolutely adore the Pink Gem range so would love to add these to my collection!

Han x

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win some super stamps, I have added it to my blog.

Fiona xx

MissyG said...

Thanks for the chance to win these super stamps
Missy G

Unknown said...

Hi, just saw these lovely stamps, wow, they're so fantastic and thanks so much for the opportunity to win. Now, for the big task.. for me... cos I'm still very new to blogging.. I hope I manage to post the picture on my blog. Wishing you a great birthday . Love Dora xx

Noreen Yun said...

Happy birthday to you!!!!!
Thank you so much for the chance to win 6 of your beautiful stamps. I have posted about this candy on my blog. Thanks again.
Noreen xxoxoxoxoxoo

Unknown said...

Happy birthday for the 27th x Love your site, Have posted a link on my blog ( and mr linky and I am a happy follower.
Take care x Leigh x

Kimmi said...

Oooo I'l have to have a look in my money tin and see if I can spare a few pennies to play in the new challenge blog!!

Linked you in my side bar!

Good Luck with the Launch and a very early Happy Birthday to you for the 27th!!

Kimmi x

Caroljenks said...

Gorgeous candy again Janet :)

Happy Birthday for the 27th!!!

I've added a pic of the candy and a link back to this blog and also the 'Gem Of A Challenge' Logo bar and link to that blog too - can't wait for the 8th :)

Carol x

Aga said...

I love candy! Happy Birthday!

BettyBoop67 said...

Happy Birthday for the 27th Janet, Thanks for giving us a chance to win your candy, Have linked you to my side bar. Good luck with the new blog challenges. Many thanks Sue xx

Cj said...

Hi Janet what a fab prize, hope you have a lovely birthday. I'm trying to post a link on my blog but I'm not sure how it works, but I'll give it another go.

Jennifer said...

Hope I've done this right Janet,only been blogging for a day! I have put your pic on my new blog, it should link up hopefully!

Lorraine said...

what gorgeous stamps and i cant wait till the challenge blog starts its going to be soooooo much fun.Happy birthday too have a great day afterall the hard work you have put in you deserve it xx

Bobbi said...

Love your stamps, thank you for the chance to win 6! That is great. Happy Birthday!!

Jessica said...

I love your stamps, thanks so much for the possibility to win it.

cookiemonster said...

Wow what fab stamps,I love your blog Janet and its one of the ones I visit on a daily basis,I love your stamps but always have difficulty in choosing the stamps I I want them all.Good luck to everyone entering,hugs Andrea xx

Dunja Trautmann said...

Hi Janet,

thank you very much for the chenace to win this amazing candy! i love the stamps.

have a great birthday on 27 february.


Unknown said...

Very generous Janet, thank you so much. I have done a post about the challenge and the candy for you to spread the word. Can't wait for the challenges to start.
Dawn xx

Diane said...

Congrats on you blog challenge! I can't wait to see what the first challenge will be!!!!
Wishing you a Happy B'day in advance! And thanks for the chance to win 6 of your beautiful stamps!

Carol Ann said...

As a full time working girl! I have not managed to link back but I wish you all the very best, Pink Gem rocks!
Best Wishes
Carol Ann xx

Linanna DESIGNS said...

What lovely candy Janet, i have added a link to my sidebar advertising your new challenge blog and the candy. Thank you for the chance to win, hugs Linda x

ribenaruby said...

Birthday wishes for the 27th Janet, so generous of you to give away yummy stamps, and good luck with the new challenge blog, can't wait to join in!

Amanda said...

Thanks for the chance to win 6 of these lovely stamps! Happy birthday in advance - may all your dreams come true. Have put a link in my Candy Lane.

Spyder said...

Love these images! I found some lovely cards using them and then found you!! Have posted your candy and added your link to my side bar

Emma (metalicbutterfly) said...

Happy Birthday Janet such a generous candy

fingers crossed lol!

Emma xxx

Myzdamena said...

Happy Birthday! What a lovely idea for people to be able to choose their own stamps. Having seen your gorgeous cards it's easy to see how lovely these stamps, um, stamp, if you see what I mean :) Not that I could make a card even approaching as lovely as yours hehe. Thanks! xxx

Mary said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I added a post on my blog linking back to you. Happy birthday for the 27th!


Sapphires-Crafty-Cards said...

Thanks Janet for the chance to win these fantastic stamps..and good luck with the lunch of the new challenge blog..looking forward to our first challenge..
Michelle Xx

Country Mouse said...

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!! I love your blog and I'm now a follower. I have blogged about your candy on my blog! Have a wonderful Birthday!!!

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said...

Happy Birthday to you, Janet! Thank you so much for sharing it with us :)
hugs, margie

Evelyn C said...

Happy Birthday Janet - you are sooooo kind - thanks for the chance to win 6 of your delicious stamps - fingers crossed x

Ms. Jen said...

Hi there! I'm a new follower and a new blogger, so forgive me if I do something wrong! LOL I'm on the lookout for new digi's and stamps and ran across your blog. Thanks for the chance to win some adorable stamps! I've posted a note in my sidebar as well. Hopefully I did it right!

Paddington fan said...

Awesome stamps, I have added you to my newly created blog!! Looking forward to the first challenge and sending you best wishes for a very Happy Birthday,
Love Jacky x

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a wonderful collection of stamps you are offering.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this gorgeous candy.

Unknown said...

Thanks for a chance to win your great stamps........oh what I would want to make! Happy birthday too! I'm giving a Xyron so stop by and enter.

Alice said...

Thank you very much for a chance to win! Your stamps are adorable, I've just put a photo with a link and with a little description of your new challenge to my candybar. And now get fingers crossed!
PS: Happy Birthday!

rozzyb said...

Thanks for this fab oppotunity. I have linked you to my side bar.
Wishing you a fantastic Birthday on 27th and hope you get everything you wish for
hugs rozzy xx

Unknown said...

Hi Janet

Cant wait to go home to enter your challenge :-) I have always loved your cards and stamps :-)
Thanks for the chance to win some Candy

♥ Lydia ♥ said...

Mr Linky is very naughty wondering off like that!! Just in case he doesn't come back, I've posted on my blog and linked back to you x
Thank you for the chance of winning some of your fabby stamps Janet and *HAPPY BIRTHDAY* for the 27th xx

Anonymous said...

fabulous candy janet
happy birthday for the 27th

Lori said...

Hi Janet ~ Thank you for offering such great candy for your birthday!!! I do not yet own any Pink Gem stamps, so I am hoping that I'm the winner :D I'm posting your pic/link in my candy jar Here

Love and hugs ~ Lori

Karuna said...


i cldnt find Mr. linky but i have added the pic on my blog!!! cant wait to get my hands on the candy if i win it!

wishing u a superb birthday!


Unknown said...

Lovely candy!

Thanks for the chance to win.

Best Wishes,

Lou x

Lou said...

Happy Birthday Janet, I hope you have a lovely day

Hayley said...

Have a great birthday Hun. Thanks for the chance to win the candy.

Hugs Hayley X

Crafty Tam said...

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and also Congrats on the new Challenge blog. I have really enjoyed entering the first challenge and look forward to entering many more.

Big Birthday Hugs (Wrapped until the 27th)!

Tammy x

Sande said...

Nice stamps! Thanks for the chance to win! I put you on my sidebar.

Hugs, Sande

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday- linked you in sidebar- thanks for the chance to win

Sharon said...

Great candy, fingers crossed as I love the stamps. Happy birthday Janet,all the best people have birthdays in February. Sharon xx

Elenka8791 said...

WoW! candy super!!!!

ThePurplePlace said...

Hi Janet,

Sending you special wishes for a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I also wanted to say THANK YOU very much for shipping out my orders so quickly. I adore the stamps and I am thrilled to have found your store and also the Challenge Blog.

I didn't know about this blog, until today, so I'm even more excited at having the chance to WIN six of your adorable stamps. That would be such an awesome prize.

Thank you and again -- Have a fabulous birthday...full of fun, love and lots of smiles!



Wishing you a wonderful Birthday and thanks for the chance to win. I hope this time is my turn. lol

Zuila said...

I love the stamps.
have a great birthday on 27 february.
Thanks for the oppertunity to win 6 stamps,linked you in my side bar

Andi said...

Happy birthday to you!!! I'm new in bloging, but I love doing cards like you. Thanks for the chance to win 6 stamps!!!

cip e ciop said...

Happy birthday !!!! thank you for candy fantastic !!!!

lynda Howells said...

Happy birthday to you and thank you for giving away such great stamps. I am trying to upload your site ect to my blogs but am having trouble but will keep trying but will also do a piece about you on my blogx Challenge away....lyndax glad l found your interesting blog.x

Krafty Kows said...

Wow thanks for the chance of the candy - happy birthday. Jeanette

Brenda said...

Awesome stamps!! Happy early Birthday Janet. I will be following!

Kathy K said...

I enjoyed looking at your cards....they are beautiful!! Happy Birthday! I'm a new follower and I posted a link to your candy on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous prize! My fingers are crossed for mr random to pick me!!! Thanks ladies :)

America said...

OOh! THESE stamps are super ADORABLE!!! What great CANDY and opportunity. Thanks for your generosity!

Heather S said...

Love all the stamps Janet!!! Had fun doing my challenge card!!!!
Have a great Birthday

Wendy K. said...

I think Pink Gem stamps are so cute and would love to give them a try. Thanks for the chance to win! Happy Birthday and I will be checking out your challenges.

Majka Moller said...

Thank you. it's a great candy :)

Gwendolyn said...

Love this candy! I'll give it a shot. Did put you on my blog....

Moshie said...

I ust received my first order of these darling stamps and am so excited! They are just too cute!!! Thank you so much for a chance to win some! Have a very blessed day! And Happy Birthday!!!
hugs, Diana

Bev said...

Awesome new glad a friend directed me here. Hope you have the best Birthday ever!

Sarah A said...

Hope you have a great birthday on the 27th!

Thanks for the chance of winning some of the fabulous Pink Gem stamps (I have a few and love them).

Sarah x

Janice M said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Your stamps are adorable! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

Queen La Rubba said...

6 PINK GEM Stamps is an incredible prize offering! I would love to have some of these stamps! They are just so adorable and would be so fun to create with! Thank you for the op to enter!
Rach ~ Queen La Rubba

Debbi said...

Awesome blog candy! I posted your candy and noted about your blog challenges on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win!
*smiles* debbi

Love crafts forever said...

Thank you so much and a very Happy Birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to You! I'm new to your stamp line, they're sooo cute!

Jennie - The Crafty Wife said...

sooper dooper stamps, Janet. thank you for giving us the chance to win them.

Carolk said...

Happy birthday, and many thanks for the chance to win super blog candy, Carol x

Paola said...

Happy birthday Janet.
My birthday is on 27. Feb. too. :o)
I have linked your candy on my sidebar.

Love greetings

La Vikinga said...

I have never tried Pink Gem Stamps so I'd just take a chance in this giveaway and hope for luck!

La Vikinga

Pam and Presley said...

Love your blog thanks for the chance to win the great candy

I am a follower and I have posted you on my blog with a link back to your
I am using this blog until I get my new craft one up and running

God Bless
Pam Barker
po bx 253
wellington, mo 84097

scrapscape said...

happy Birthday!!tacos13

vadcic said...

I will be the last?