Just thought I would give you an update on my slimfast diet
Last February I started a diet (just cutting out junk and eating sensibly)as I desperately needed to loose a stone for the Summer
After 3 months I lost half a stone then stuck fast neither going up or down
Just over three weeks ago I started the Slimfast plan as my Santorini holiday is fast looming on the horizon.......& I need to fit into my holiday clothes!
I refuse to buy 14's so when 12's get too tight I know it's time to take drastic action
I am a firm believer that buying bigger clothes is a slippery slope
This morning I have reached my target of loosing that other half stone.....that's a stone since Feb
So I am really pleased......been trying on my holiday clothes and they all fit perfectly :)
Well we are back from our holiday on the ‘Yorkshire Coast’
I love visiting it as it takes me back to my childhood I have lots of happy memories of playing on the beaches at Scarborough & Bridlington with my sister during the 1960’s
Anyway I have put up some lovely ‘Seaside Candy’ for my lovely followers to enter
‘Scarborough’ Clotted Cream Toffees
‘Vintage Heart’ Postcard Stamp
‘Ice Cream Ellie’ stamp
Mulberry Flowers
All you have to do is place the photo above on your side bar with a link back to this blog
& leave your name with Inlinkz
I will draw a winner at random after 12am (UK time) on Sunday 17th July
This post will stay at the top until Sunday 17th July
The wonderful Daylight Company sent me this lamp for me to do a review
Well I just love it!
I had a small daylight lamp before which I used all the time but I had a magnifyer which went around my neck. It just got in my way so didn't wear it much unless I was opening jump rings and working with really tiny things
With this new lamp having a swivel lense attached it makes life so easy when doing close up work
I can put it in any postion I want. Now when I paint my stamp images I look through the lense and my painting is much neater and I can keep within the stamp lines.
My eyes and reading glasses are not enough on their own these days for close up work so this lamp is brill!
The lamp is very robust and has a heavy base so it can't tip over and has a very modern appearance
It is much larger than I expected and it towers over my work space throwing daylight
It feels like I am working outdoors as the light is so true.....this will definately brighten up those coming dull winter months!
No makes from me today......playtime is cancelled busy,busy,busy!
Just thought I would show you this fabulous lamp that the Daylight Company have asked me to review
Now aren't I a lucky girl lol......and it seems their are a few of us about so reviews for this lamp will be popping up on a few other blogs too!
I can't wait for it to arrive. I do have a daylight lamp already and they are fab but this one has a large magnifyer too.....at the moment I have one of those around the neck thingys for close up work like opening jump rings etc but it does get in my way....so this lamp will be just fab!
Anyway must go get on....see you soon!
Just editing to say it's just arrived and it's a smasher!
Much bigger than I imagined......reminds me of the alien machines in 'War of The Worlds' yikes lol!