
Friday, 6 December 2013

More Crochet

Morning everyone.....hope it's not too wet and windy where you are :)
The weather has been horrendous these last 24hrs in the UK and the worst has been in the north.
Not too bad here but the wind did get strong for a few hours late yesterday afternoon and into the evening.

Anyway just wanted to show a few of my crocheting efforts.
 I have made these hats for three of my grandchildren

Well must go now as lots of Christmas preparations to do!


Sue said...

Beautiful hats,I am sure your Grandchildren will adore them.

Sandra H said...

O My Goodness Janet these are simply gorgeous x

McCrafty's Cards said...

I love these Janet they are such fun!!
Kevin xx

Diane said...

OMG Janet they are fantastic !!

hugs Diane xx

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous hats bet they will be worn with such pride. Love Alison xxx

Sherryn said...

these are so gorgeous, Janet. xx

mags said...

These are wonderful Janet. I am sure your grandchildren will love them.